光食品 日本產有機蕃茄汁 (無添加食鹽) 国産有機トマトジュース食塩無添加 Organic Tomato Juice (No addded Salt) 160ML

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❌食鹽 ❌香料 ❌防腐劑 ❌人造色素 ❌酸味料 ❌化學調味料 ✨100%北海道有機蕃茄 ✨JAS認證的有機飲品 ❌Salt 食塩無添加 ❌Flavorings 香料 ❌Preservatives 保存料 ❌Food colorants 着色料 ❌Sour flavoring 酸味料 ❌MSG 化学調味料 ✨100% Organic tomato from Hokkaido 北海道で採れた国産有機トマトを100% ✨Organic Japanese Agricultural Standards JAS認證

Product Details



旬の実りをしぼった 国産有機トマトジュース 食塩無添加



An organic JAS-certified tomato juice made from extremely hard-to-obtain Japanese organic tomatoes, grown organically in the vast land of Hokkaido. A great way to enjoy the flavor of fully ripe tomatoes.

●Made from 100%-organic Japanese tomatoes harvested in Hokkaido.
● A straight tomato juice made from bright red, perfectly ripe organic tomatoes.
● Contains no added salt, so as to fully showcase the natural flavor of the tomatoes. That means people who are being careful about salt can also drink it with peace of mind.
● Contains no artificial flavorings, preservatives, food coloring, acidulants, or MSGs.


何かお気づきの点、ご質問等ございましたら、jp-info@goldenfellow.com までお問い合わせください。(日本語、英語)

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