GENKI - 柑橘乾水果片 シトラスチップス巾着 CITRUS DRIED FRUIT CHIPS 50G



❌砂糖 ❌添加物 ✨無添加7款柑橘乾水果片 ✨可以放入紅茶中作為水果茶享用 ❌Sugar 砂糖 ❌Food additivies 添加物 ✨Additive-free dried fruits mixed from 7 types of domestic fruits 無添加 7種類国産果実をミックスしたドライフルーツ ✨ Perfect for a stylish tea time by adding to tea or cider 紅茶や、サイダーに浮かべて、おしゃれなティータイムもおすすめです

Rincian Produk


自 2006 年以來,GENKI本舖一直在愛媛縣宇和島生產愛媛縣柑橘類水果乾。愛媛縣宇和島市擁有得天獨厚的自然環境,是柑橘類水果等各種新鮮美味的蔬果的寶庫。我們希望盡可能多的人知道這些由當地農民精心種植的美妙食材,並為我們的日常餐桌帶來微笑。

愛媛縣是日本“柑橘王國”之一。愛媛縣為日本生產出 30 多個品種的柑橘,產量都是日本第一。此外,奇異果也是日本國內最大的產地。在GENKI本舖,我們注重當地農民精心種植的愛媛縣水果本來的原味,並通過獨特的製造方法充分利用食材的味道製作成水果乾。

原料方面,與JA 南農業協同組合合作,在最美味的時候採摘的無蠟水果,洗淨,去皮等程序都不依賴機器或化學品,而是用人手仔細清洗和去皮。


礦物質: 乾果中含有的礦物質有鎂、鈣、鐵、鋅、銅、鉀和磷。
抗氧化物質: 乾果的色素部分富含抗氧化劑

這是一種混合了愛媛縣 7 種柑橘類(春香蜜柑、温州柑、血橙、檸檬、河內晚柑、伊予柑和瀨戶柑)的乾水果片。它不含糖或添加劑,是一種健康乾水果。不僅可以直接食用,還可以切碎後淋上乳酪或麥片。



私たちは、このドライフルーツを通じて、全国の食卓に笑顔を届けたいと考え続けてきた中で より安心で安全な国産ドライフルーツの加工・製造を自分たちの手で行う以外にないという結論に至り、自社製造に踏み切りました。



ミネラル: ドライフルーツに含まれるミネラルは、マグネシウム、カルシウム、鉄、亜鉛、銅、カリウム、リンです。


Genki has been making dried citrus fruits from Ehime Prefecture in Uwajima since 2006. Uwajima City, blessed with rich natural surroundings, is a treasure trove of fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits. We want to share these wonderful ingredients, carefully grown by local farmers, with as many people as possible and bring smiles to their dining tables every day. This is the wish of all of us at Genki. Please consider giving these as a gift to your loved ones.

Dedicated to Ehime Prefecture
Ehime Prefecture is one of the top "citrus kingdoms" in Japan. It boasts the highest number of citrus varieties, said to be over 30, and the highest production volume in Japan. Additionally, it is also the top producer of kiwi fruit in Japan. At Genki, we are committed to the original deliciousness of Ehime-grown fruits, carefully nurtured by local farmers, and make dried fruits using our unique method that maximizes the flavor of the ingredients.

Hand-Peeled and Sorted
As we have continued to bring smiles to dining tables across the country through our dried fruits, we concluded that the only way to ensure safe and secure Japan dried fruit processing and manufacturing was to do it ourselves, leading us to start our in-house production.

Through a partnership with JA Ehime Minami, we procure the fruits at their peak of ripeness without wax, and the washing and peeling are done carefully by hand, one by one, without relying on machines or chemicals.

Strict Hygiene Management
Located at the foot of Ebisu Mountain, near the center of Uwajima City, is the Genki Ebisu Mountain Dried Fruit Factory. This factory, aimed at revitalizing the local community, was completed on July 1, 2015, as a facility for processing dried citrus fruits from Ehime Prefecture.

With thorough hygiene management (HACCP compliant), we process and manufacture local citrus fruits, which we are proud to showcase to the world, as dried fruits, promoting the sixth industry and contributing to the local community.

Main Nutrients in Dried Fruits
Minerals: Dried fruits contain minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, and phosphorus.
Antioxidants: Antioxidants are abundant in the pigments of dried fruits.
Dietary Fiber

These dried fruits are a mix of seven types of citrus from Ehime Prefecture (Haruka, Satsuma mandarin, blood orange, lemon, Citrus kawachiensis, Iyokan, Setoka). Made without sugar or additives, they are gentle on the body. Not only can they be eaten as they are, but they can also be chopped and added to yogurt or cereal, or placed in tea to make citrus tea. They can also be soaked in water or soda to make fondant water.

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